Digital Fatigue and Digital Bonding – Two Ends of the Same Thread

Digital Fatigue and Digital Bonding – Two Ends of the Same Thread

From Green to Screen It was a different scenario altogether before the outbreak of the pandemic. The recent COVID 19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll in the life of all, mostly the young children. The world has shrunk and now we are compelled to keep ourselves confined within the four walls of our rooms. […]

जीवन में सकारात्मक सोच का महत्व

जीवन में सकारात्मक सोच का महत्व

आज हम बात करेंगे की हमारे नकारात्मक विचारों को कैसे दूर करें। हमारा चेतन मन जिन बातों में विश्वास रखता है, वे हमारे अवचेतन मन या सबकॉन्शियस माइंड में जाकर बैठ जाती हैं और इसी से हमारी सोच बनती है। हमारी सोच ही हमारा जीवन बनाती है। दिमागी शक्ति को कैसे बढ़ाएं? सफल होने के […]

A Virtual World for Every Learner

A Virtual World for Every Learner

There was an overall emotion of pride and accomplishment amongst teachers for getting through this unusual course of time with cogency, dedication, and determination. We were able to validate the feelings that were buzzing around, the sense of intimacy, comprehension, and engagement. We brought about vital keys to establish the relationship online. It was very […]

My Encounter with Active Learning

My Encounter with Active Learning

“One can do worse than be a swinger of birches” This line from the poem “Birches” written by Robert Frost always remind me that we need to push our boundaries to have a eureka moment in personal and professional life. In 2019, the word that intrigued me a lot was ‘Active Learning’. Prior to this, […]

How the pandemic taught me the value of feedback

How the pandemic taught me the value of feedback

Education is not just about learning. It is a slow and steady process that requires learning, unlearning, and relearning. As educators, we have all heard about the importance of unlearning- letting go of certain practices to make way for more effective ones. The past year has been an epitome of giving up old ways and […]

Connect Today

Connect Today

It is easy to connect with anyone, anywhere, and at any time for most of us in today’s world. Isn’t it? I am sure most of us must have answered this question positively. OH! But, it is not about being connected on Messenger or Facebook or Instagram… I am surprised and astonished, that it took […]

An Undying Spirit to Exist

An Undying Spirit to Exist

The story of our undying spirit to exist to not perish to prevail! Here I sit down to pen my thoughts about our very existence, the scientific theory of Natural Selection, the survival of the fittest that Darwin once talked about. Well, didn’t we live that in the past year? We survived every day of […]

The Classroom of 2021

The Classroom of 2021

“Necessity is the mother of invention”. While this seems a cliché, it was true for the situation we were in. If 2020 was the year of survival, 2021 is a year of evolution. The lesson we can claw back from the pandemic is that change is inevitable. Though the vaccines have been rolled out by […]

Nurturing a love for reading

Nurturing a love for reading

If you had to pick one past session that stands out to you in the previous year, what would that be and why? What made that class session so special? Online classes came as a surprise and as all educators, I too was engrossed in looking for ways to engage my learners every day. What came […]

Music & Wellness

Music & Wellness

A famous person said: If you lack wellness that means there is not enough music in your life. I read this somewhere and have been humming it to myself ever since. Whenever I feel the need to be well, I try to bring more music into my life. I often forget to do this, doubting […]